Sunday, September 4, 2022

Pairing with Sam Connelly on the journey of Public Speaking

  After I got the response via this tweet, we DMed each other via twitter, and started to discuss the pairing.

We paired up on Sunday early morning and began talking about how we might pair up and what we could accomplish together.

Sam asked me a question at the beginning of our talk that I also believe is significant.

  • Who is your audience? I mentioned testers.
  • What you could give a talk on comfortably? Topics around testing and tools.
  • Which one is my favourite? At the moment, I have to prepare for the super voice 3 round, so I thought I to choose the topic test strategy.
  • What is the key takeaway? she further conveyed to me! Most people do not pay attention and they either listen to the start or the end. I replied to her, that maybe people could imply what I have done which I have shared during my talk! So she mentioned to me "Oh! Inspiration others do the same."
  • Why would I bring in the audience to use this test strategy? What is the initial feedback?

After this question, we switch our conversation to the storytelling technique

Because we have grown up with stories, humans can relate to them. Keep in mind the Cinderella tales! In our context, What was the fix for this? brainstormed ideas Your encounter with the test technique, which initially did not function, was one of five different things that did not work. It's crucial to discuss failure. We tried to solve an issue in this way, but it didn't work, so we tried it in this approach instead, and it worked.

What makes a good presenter?

  • Better context
  • Include me in that conversation.
  • Listening to it is interesting!
  • Death by PowerPoint, often known as presentation slides with bullets, is terrible presentation material.
  • the narrative you are telling.

Focus on the story you are going to tell. Pick a topic, and brainstorm everything you could talk about. 

Then if you can pick five things from the list brainstorming. All down on the page. Big list of things, top 5 head. 

Work together to generate five ideas related to the theme. Do you think using the five ideas you came up with will help me tell a story? Does not advance the plot? Rise and repeat.

Let's use mind maps. Brainstorming, its functioning, its collaboration, and use with the team, and its use of any tools. Each supporting topic for the major topic? There are five things connected to that that you should keep in mind when creating your slides. Focus on the story you're trying to tell, frequently a difficult one; if you're on a journey, describe it from the perspective of that point. Then, when you've created a story, You need nothing more difficult than this! 1 thought, 1 word on your slide. She further mentioned to me that this is Takahashi_method. It is not her style. Further, she added, that is recommended style which is less time-consuming. 


We agreed on for our next meeting, we both present 2 to 5 minutes of presentations on a mind map. We both will give presentations. We discuss topic 1. What went well, and what could be improved?

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